In the following autumn we proceeded to consolidate our basis: while Giorgia was finishing her master thesis on the relationship between scientific comunication and performing art, we worked for some events in Milano.
In January 2022 we moved to Spain to refine our hand to hand technique with Fernando Melki and we've also participated in some physical theater intensives with Antxón Ordóñez.
In the spring we went back to Italy where we worked for several events, including the Astronomy Festival of Castellaro Lagusello (MN), in which we had the pleasure of working. We see the performing art as a powerful means of communication of any subject and our long-term goal is to create social, cultural and scientific themed shows.
For summer 2022 we were hired as artistic cast at the prestigious Forte Village Resort, in the south of Sardinia, where we took part in 5 shows with different numbers, taking advantage of our multidisciplinary.
In September we worked for some events and we organized handbalancing workshops, while in November we'll be students again: we will attend a handbalancing specialization course at the Stockholm University of the Arts, because if you want to teach something you must never stop learning.
Per tre anni abbiamo lavorato in situazioni di ogni genere, sfruttando le nostre capacità multidisciplinari per creare numerose performance, spesso volte a integrare altri spettacoli.
Come autori, quello che ci spinge è sicuramente la voglia di comunicare. Vediamo lo spettacolo come un mezzo di comunicazione dalle potenzialità infinite e, attraverso un nostro personale linguaggio fatto di circo e arti performative, vogliamo arrivare a creare spettacoli a tema sociale, culturale o scientifico, accessibili a tutti, che possano lasciare un segno nel pubblico e alimentare lo stimolo alla crescita personale di ciascuno.
A lato del lavoro di artisti, abbiamo entrambi la passione per l'insegnamento, che sfocia nell'organizzazione di alcuni workshop di verticalismo, acrodanza e tessuti aerei.

Giorgia Giani
After a life as a gymnast, Giorgia approached circus with the desire to experience something different with her body. She started by attending aerial acrobatics courses and then she graduated as an instructor (IDAC) at FLIC (Italy). She went on with her artistic training (silks, lyra, trapeze) as self-taught and in the meantime she dedicated herself also to handbalancing and hand to hand, attending different classes and workshops.
For two years she was a member of the company ArteMakìa, as an acrobat, handbalancer and flyer. Guided by her passion for stars, she graduated in Physics at the University of Milan with a dissertation on black holes and then she took a master’s degree in science communication with the thesis “The theatrical acrobatic performance as an educational and communicative tool: theory and design”.
Thanks to quarantine she met Roberto and that chemistry has brought her where she is now.
Roberto Saba
Roberto discovered juggling at 17 and decided that he would dedicate his life to art and performance, a promise that after ten years he is still keeping. He started as a juggler, specializing in contact juggling, poi and clubs. He then began to study handbalancing and acrobatics, trying to combine them with a personal style of movement.
He attended one year of professional training at FLIC (Turin) and one year at Arc En Cirque (France), but he realized soon that he was more inclined to be a self-taught. He prefers in fact to study with prestigious european teachers and to train in different circus spaces with a stimulating environment to learn as much as possible from any source.
He has travelled as a street artist throughout Europe working between Germany, Spain, France and Italy, but then he stopped because of Covid.
During the lockdown he met Giorgia and
from here it begins a whole other story.

We are two multidisciplinary circus artists with completely opposite backgrounds.
We met during the lockdown of 2020, our desire to train and learn new things led us to start practicing together hand to hand and from that first moment we have never left each other.
In the spring of 2021 at the first reopenings, we left for our first season, starting from Puglia to end on Lake Maggiore, crossing all of Italy with street shows.
The chemistry that was built during this first year brought us to want to create something more real and concrete: Ex Centrum Circus was born.